Welcome to our Community Site

Welcome to our Community Site. We are all about sharing the most incredible online finds with our Community here. This is going to be an incredible place for you to visit over and over again. We are so excited to share this with you. Just wait, you are going to be blown out of your seat with how awesome these Online Finds truly are.


While we are huge Batman Fans, look for the BAT SYMBOL to connect to SURPRISE finds throughout the pages of this Community Site. So as you browse, look for the BAT SYMBOL. Then click and go check out something incredible.

As I launch this site with the Offers Online that are so cool…

I would like to put a shout out to my father Rory Ricord (Get trained on making money online – CLICK HERE) for teaching me all about this.

And to put a link out to CKVWORLDWIDE – where other examples of great offers are to be had.  And to thank that site for the traffic – I’ll do my part to keep the cool offers coming… just visit me often…

Thank you all.

Tytan Ricord

(Thank you for visiting this site)